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Lineage 2M October Update Welcomes Mythic Class Raoul, the All-Powerful One

Lineage 2M October Update Welcomes Mythic Class Raoul, the All-Powerful One

The Lineage 2M October update is now live, with major additions to the game. Players can now wield the might of Raoul, the All-powerful One with the new Mythic Transformation. There are also new Legendary and Epic classes added, including Amadeo Cadmus, Kastien, Grant, Telinaus, and Gustin. New Mythic Gear is also available to players as well.

The Tower of Insolence dungeon has opened its Fourth floor – home to fearsome monsters and the boss Tarim, players must summon all their cunning if they want to get the rewards hoarded within. New Legend Gear, new Interitor Skills, and plenty of other quality of life improvements await in the latest Lineage 2M update.

Check out the Lineage 2M Raoul Preview Trailer:

Players can play Lineage 2M for free on Android, iOS, or Purple, the NC proprietary PC cross-play platform.

Related: Lineage 2M Major Update Features Addition of New Oren Territory

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