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MANEATER Review for Nintendo Switch

Maneater is an action-adventure game developed and published by Tripwire Interactive. It has been released for other platforms and now is going to be released for Switch. We got a chance to play as Apex Predator of the Ocean in Maneater on Switch, and surprisingly, it has been a very fun experience. 

Overall, the game starts off with a backstory and basic gameplay controls, where player, the baby shark, has been in the mother’s belly and when Scaly Pete, a hunter, catches the mother and is ripping her apart, the player bites his hand and escapes to the open waters. And from that moment the adventure starts where we are trying to fight against the hunters and unlock different areas to get the story moving and take the revenge on Scaly Pete. 

MANEATER Review for Nintendo Switch

There are many different mini bosses throughout the game and other predators found in water that give us enough battle. My biggest concern going in this game was what would the controls be like, but after playing the first hour, this has been a lot smoother, and Tripwire has done a great job in providing some smooth underwater controls. And also, each area has our personal cave that is the only place to customize the shark and also provides fast travelling between different locations. 

The overall gameplay has a bunch of interesting things to be done, including leveling up the shark and doing the quests to receive the XP. There are a bunch of collectibles, caches, and landmarks that include the Easter Eggs from either real world to pop culture, including the Sponge Bob and Fyre Festival. To get the collectibles a lot of times there were a bunch of non-accessible locations that unless you get to specific level or age you cannot get in, that includes grates that could be opened at Adult or Teen, or some high jump license plates that cannot be reached unless you get to Adult/Elder levels. Each level you gain has specific stats that you get, as you level up you notice that you only need certain bites to destroy the fishes. There are certain quests that need you to be on land as well because just like humans have breathing limit inside the water, Sharks have breathing limit outside the water and you can flap/jump around to reach certain locations. 

MANEATER Review for Nintendo Switch

Lets talk about combat and bosses; each area has some particular species of fish and amphibians. The first area there are normal fishes that do not attack back, and each species has a certain kind of nutrients that you can get like protein/minerals/fat/MutegenX which are needed to upgrade your evolution armor. So far there are three different types of evolutions that the shark can achieve, Boneeater/Bioelectric/Shadow, with each one having a different look and you can switch between any armor at any level, but leveling the evolutions requires certain nutrients. Also equipping more than one type of evolution gives you specific stat boost. Each armor can be used for specific situations – that includes if you are fighting humans on ships, you need a bone eater because bite damage is higher. Bioelectric is good for moving and stunning. 

There are human bosses and predator bosses in each area. After achieving a certain percentage in an area, you will encounter the apex predator of the area that you will have to defeat to 100% the area and receive a bunch of rewards either the evolution armor or material. There have been hammerhead, Alligators, Orcas, Spermwhales, Barracuda, and many predators that you can fight.  

MANEATER Review for Nintendo Switch

There are special skills that can be equipped as well, healing yourself requires you to each any fish/human species and certain accessory equipment gives you healing boost for eating certain nutrient type species. 

Overall there is bunch of more things that players can explore, I completed the game and spent almost 20-30 hrs just moving around the water and on the land. The game has been pretty smooth with very minimal stutters on Switch and I would like to commend Tripwire for optimizing this game from consoles to switch pretty seamless. I would rate Maneater 8 stars out of 10. 

Check Out the Maneater Nintendo Trailer:

Maneater is available for PlayStation 4Xbox One, and PC via the Epic Games Store, and starting today for Nintendo Switch

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