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Mass Effect Spin-Offs? Bioware Contemplating Illusive Man, Garrus, or More

In an interview with Xbox 360 Official Magazine, BioWare developers, Casey Hudson, Mac Walters, Dusty Everman, Mike Gamble and Preston Watamaniuk,discussed several possible spin-offs to the popular RPG Mass Effect.

“There’s so much that could be told in the Mass Effect universe,” they commented. One of the favorite characters who might make a great game of his own is the Turian sniper, Garrus.

One of the developers, Hudson said, “It’d be cool to do something completely unrelated to the larger storyline, like a story about a private investigator on the Citadel. Or maybe something detailing Garrus’ time in C-Sec.”

Another developer, Everman, said about Garrus having his own spin-off, “While being one of Shepard’s most loyal friends, Garrus has also had some of the most driven personal goals. He’s a hero in his own right, as Archangel and beyond. Who wouldn’t want to see the further adventures of the bold, charming Garrus Valkarian (there’s a lot of guns out there to calibrate).”

Yet another developer, Watamaniuk, had his own idea “a game centred on brutal Krogan combat with more of a melee focus could be pretty exciting. I’m sure Grunt would be up for it.”

Who would you like to see as a spin-off character in the Mass Effect universe?

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