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Mechstermination Force Review for Nintendo Switch

Mechstermination Force Review for Nintendo Switch

Giant mechanical robots known as MegaMechs have taken over the world and it is up to whatever resistance group of colorful, rambunctious soldiers are left to stop them. This run & gun action game is brought to you by the original creators of Gunman Clive, Horberg Productions, and is even referenced throughout the game’s dialogue. Mechstermination Force starts off with your squad being injured after an epic battle with one of the giant mechs rampaging the city – you are the only one who escaped the fiasco unscathed; so it’s up to you now to solo the missions and carry your team to victory all while hearing the comedic quips they have to say about said fiasco.

There is a selection of four characters you get to choose from; all play the same, the only difference between each character is that they carry a unique sub weapon used for dealing the finishing blow on the MegaMechs bright-red cores. Your main weapon consists of a gun and you can upgrade them for one that has a laser spread or bombs – it’s quite a versatile collection of weapons. Holding down the left or right trigger buttons will allow you to crouch and make a steady aim at the mechs’ body parts; every boss has some sort of mechanical plate or laser beam cannon that you need to destroy before you can reach the core. While this may seem like your typical ‘shoot the boss and then you’re done’ game, it’s actually challenging and every boss has its own unique moveset that will make you quite frustrated in your attempt to beat them – they have many forms, so be prepared!

As you progress through Mechstermination Force, you receive additional upgrades like gloves that allow you to climb up on the Mechs or boots that allow you to double jump. As I was fighting my way through every boss I had a lot of trial and errors, as soon as i figured out what the best approach for the bosses was I came to realize it’s about how quickly you can beat them. Trust me, it will make your life a hell of a lot easier once you’ve figured out their programming. At first I was being nitpicky and trying to shoot everything that was was trying to kill me but then realized it was faster if I just go in straight for the main kill. It’s still challenging to do but it just made it less stressful for me to know that there was another route I could take that seemed somewhat faster. In the end, it’s up to YOU to decide how to best tackle the mechs on.

If you’re having trouble defeating bosses and want to level up you also have the choice to go back and replay levels via the Training Center, which is located on one of the floors of the basecamp or if you want, have a friend join in and help you beat up Mechs. Mechstermination Force has a co-op mode available if you ever get tired of being solo. The graphics are great, and the gameplay-remarkable. If you like run-in-gun games like Gunman Clive or Cuphead then this would be a great addition to your game collection. I give it an 8/10.

Check Out the Mechstermination Force Trailer:

Mechstermination Force is for the Nintendo Switch.

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Nintendo Switch Review
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