Gaming Cypher

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MOSS E3 2017 Impressions

MOSS E3 2017 Impressions

During E3 I had the pleasure of meeting Seattle-based game developer Polyarc and experiencing Moss, an action-adventure puzzle game that is coming to Sony PlayStation VR.

Moss is quite a spectacular game almost like a diorama and I must say the absolute depth of the gameplay experience was quite incredible. The total simplicity of the game design was amazing in the fact that just the minimum qualities combined with the advanced exteriors created an experience in which you could feel the actual emotion of the character Quill.

I found the most intriguing aspect of Moss was when I was looking down into the river and saw my own reflection! I was quite impressed at such an advanced technology and that I was seeing myself for the very first time bringing you into a new realm of the 4D environment. Another quite enchanting characteristic of Moss was when I directed Quill behind the obstacles – I could still see her outline giving me vision of my quest 100% of the time.

Overall, amazing game and I would highly recommend it.

Here is the Moss E3 2017 Trailer:

Moss is scheduled to release this Holiday. You can find out more information about Moss on the official website .

Related: MOSS Revealed During the Sony PlayStation Press Conference at E3 2017

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