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Mutant Football League Heading to GDC 2017

Mutant Football League Heading to GDC 2017

Successful Kickstarter campaign kicks off game-finishing drive

MORTON GROVE, Ill. – Feb. 17, 2017 – Indie games developer Digital Dreams Entertainment has announced that Mutant Football League, the spiritual successor to the classic Sega Genesis sports-hybrid game, Mutant League Football, will be on exhibition and available for demonstrations during GDC 2017 at GDC Play Booth #PL4228 in San Francisco’s Moscone Convention Center from March 1-3.

Mutant Football League is currently in Pre-Alpha phase, but Kickstarter backers have been provided a fully playable preview build to test drive the game. MFL’s official launch is scheduled for October 2017.

Mutant Football League Heading to GDC 2017

Mutant Football League Kickstarter Scores

Digital Dreams Entertainment recently launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding
campaign to complete Mutant Football League’s Online Multiplayer mode and the game’s final development and tuning. The initial $60,000 crowdfunding goal was quickly achieved in four days, culminating on Super Bowl Sunday just as the game was going into overtime. The campaign has since blasted past several stretch goals with over $85,000 in funding.

Legendary Announcer Joins the League

Video game sports fans can also get excited with the additional news that legendary voiceover actor Tim Kitzrow will provide Mutant Football League’s audio commentary. Kitzrow is best known in games circles for his iconic work in NBA Jam, with such memorable sound bites as “He’s on fire!” and “Boomshakalaka!”

“This is a dream job for me,” said Kitzrow of joining the MFL team. “The game is a blast; people are going to going to lose their minds playing this game. I mean really, seriously lose their minds.”

Check out the brutal action in this Mutant Football League highlights trailer:

Additional Game Details 

  • Mutants vs. Monsters: 18 vicious teams comprised of a variety of fully-customizable characters including: skeleton Deadheads, sentient Battlebots, criminal Aliens, engineered Super-Humans, monstrous Trolls, and mutant Demons.
  • Gridiron Carnage: Players inflict maximum carnage on the opposition with brass-knuckle punches, steel-toed kicks, hand grenades, clubs, battle axes, chainsaws, and more.
  • Killer Stadiums: Playfields are filled with diabolical and dangerous traps and hazards – including explosive mines, toxic moats, lava flows and crazed fans cheering on their favorite murderous squad.
  • Multiplayer: Online and offline multiplayer for 2 to 4 players – competitive and co-op. Laugh at friends while crushing them or team-up and destroy all challengers!

Further information about the MFL Kickstarter campaign is available at: Mutant Football League Kickstarter Page.

Related: Mutant Football League Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

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