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NARBORION SAGA Dark Fantasy Open-World Adventure Needs Your Steam Votes

NARBORION SAGA Dark Fantasy Open-World Adventure Needs Your Steam Votes

Indie developer Liber Primus Games recently launched a Steam Greenlight campaign for their epic story-driven RPG Narborion Saga. This dark fantasy title will appeal to all fans of well-written narrative and will surprise with a balanced mix of gamebook, tactical combat and rogue-like dungeoneering. If the Greenlight campaign is successful, Narborion Saga will offer not only an in-depth branching storyline but also an open world with side-quests, PvP battles as well as procedurally generated monsters and loot encounters that will make each playthrough a completely different experience.

“After releasing Narborion Saga books on mobile we realized that there is so much potential we haven’t exploited”, said Dénes Csiszár, Producer and Co-Founder of Liber Primus Games. “For the PC version we’ve put all the books together in one comprehensive narrative and enhanced the whole experience turning a simple gamebook into a full-blown story-driven open-world title that will appeal to all hardcore RPG fans.”

Here is the Narborion Saga Trailer:

Vote for Narborion Saga on Steam Greenlight here:

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