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Next Big Update for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) 7.6 ‘Galactic Threads’ Unveiled

The Star Wars: The Old Republic Broadsword team announced Game upgrade 7.6-Galactic Threads, the upcoming major upgrade to the popular MMORPG, during a special development webcast. Dynamic encounters, updated character graphics, a new lair monster, Skeleton Crew-inspired goods, and more are all part of this game update, which will start to be released to users globally in December  with story missions to follow in 2025.

Next Big Update for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) 7.6 'Galactic Threads' Unveiled

Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) Galactic Threads highlights:

  • New Story Missions: Galactic Threads starts right after what happened in the Desperate Defiance plot. Players and their Alliance are in a rush to track down Darth Malgus and thwart any schemes he may have started. Players will simultaneously look for information on the Hidden Chain’s goals and Darth Nul’s holocron. Narrative Players will go on missions to Tatooine, Hoth, and the digsite at Nul’s Elom temple..

  • Dynamic Encounters: Players can enjoy new world content called Dynamic Encounters, which helps make the environments they live in more vibrant. Dynamic Encounters will occur organically when players explore planets, or they can actively look for them on their globe. Herding runaway Banthas that are running loose in a space port or eliminating Hidden Chain forces are examples of dynamic encounters. With 7.6, these encounters will make their debut on Hoth and Tatooine, offering players a range of goodies to obtain!

Next Big Update for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) 7.6 'Galactic Threads' Unveiled

  • Propagator Core XR-53 Lair Boss: The game’s newest lair boss, the Propagator Core XR-53, will debut in both Story and Veteran difficulty modes. One of the several fragments that were shattered when the Emperor’s Fortress fell on Ilum was the source of the Propagator Core XR-53. A Rakatan droid replicator, the XR-53 is attempting to repair itself by gathering materials, but its primary operations have been somewhat interfered with.

  • Character and Planet Art Modernization: Art upgrades for Tython, Korriban, Hoth, and Ilum (with a major emphasis on the initial planets) are part of the ongoing modernization of the Star Wars: The Old Republic experience. The fidelity of character models—more especially, heads—will also be enhanced throughout the game! Along with improved lighting, shaders, and ocular specularity, players will be able to notice alterations to their character through upgraded character textures. The Human, Chiss, Cyborg, Miralukan, Mirialan, Togruta, Rattataki, and Zabrak models are the first to undergo texture changes in this release. Take a look at the video HERE.

  • Skeleton Crew Inspired Items:Fearless Buccaneer weaponry, Mysterious Rogue gear (in two variations), and upcoming modifications will all be inspired by the Skeleton Crew. Furthermore, the Meirm Cicada Mount, which was inspired by the Skeleton Crew, has companion AND tiny pet capability. You can now take your favorite person and little pet on a galactic trip with you. As a token of appreciation to the community, players who have an active membership between November 29 and January 4 will be able to access the Meirm Cicada Mount for free at the 7.6 launch!

Next Big Update for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) 7.6 'Galactic Threads' Unveiled

Plus More!:

  • Life Day: Beginning  mid-December, the Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Life Day Winter Season Event will feature two new rewards Tirsa G1-F7 Mount and Life Day Ornate Robes.

  • Mac Launcher Update: There will soon be a new Mac Launcher available. We’ll have more information soon!

For more information, visit

Related: Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 7.5 Now Live Featuring Farmstead, The Acolyte Inspired Gear, Plus More

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