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Nintendo Reveals Back-to-School Celebration Photos at the Nintendo NY Store

Nintendo has revealed photos taken of the Back-to-School Celebration at the Nintendo NY Store.

Nintendo Reveals Back-to-School Celebration Photos at the Nintendo NY Store
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Gemarla G., with her family Glenn, age 5, Gavin, age 7, Grace, age 3, and husband Gary G., from Queens, NY, had their photo taken with Mario at the Nintendo NY store during the Nintendo Back-to-School Celebration.
Nintendo Reveals Back-to-School Celebration Photos at the Nintendo NY Store
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, fans gather at the Nintendo NY store for the Nintendo Back-to-School Celebration. Fans played games, received Nintendo school supplies, signed a pledge to work hard this school year and had the chance to have their photo taken with Mario. (Photo: Business Wire)
Nintendo Reveals Back-to-School Celebration Photos at the Nintendo NY Store
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Alessandro A., age 4, from Woodside, NY, greets Mario at the Nintendo NY store during the Nintendo Back-to-School Celebration. (Photo: Business Wire)
Nintendo Reveals Back-to-School Celebration Photos at the Nintendo NY Store
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, fans gather at the Nintendo NY store for the Nintendo Back-to-School Celebration. Fans played games, received Nintendo school supplies, signed a pledge to work hard this school year and had the chance to have their photo taken with Mario.

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