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No Man’s Sky New Gameplay Video and Screenshots

Developer Hello Games has released a new video and screenshots for its exploration and survival title, No Man’s Sky.

No Man's Sky New Gameplay Video and Screenshots


No Man’s Sky has been in the developer’s head for a very long time. In fact, it has its roots in Sean Murray’s experiences growing up on a ranch in the Australian outback. It was the true middle of nowhere, where if something went wrong you were told to just stay where you were and light a fire at an exact time every day, and hope that someone would find you. The night sky was filled with more stars than you’ve ever seen, and we’ve all thought that this is exactly where videogames would go, videogames that contained the whole universe, and you’d be able to visit it all. No Man’s Sky takes that jump – it’s the game they’ve always wanted to make.


  • A TRULY OPEN UNIVERSE If you can see it, you can go there. You can fly seamlessly from the surface of a planet to another, and every star in the sky is a sun that you can visit.
  • EXPLORATION IS SEEING THINGS THAT NO-ONE ELSE HAS EVER SEEN BEFORE Every creature, geological formation, plant and spaceship is unique.
  • SURVIVE ON A DANGEROUS FRONTIER You are alone and vulnerable, and will face threat everywhere, from deep space to thick forests, barren deserts to dark oceans.
  • BUILD FOR AN EPIC JOURNEY Collect precious materials and trade them for better spacecraft and upgrades for your suit and equipment.
  • A SHARED UNIVERSE Choose to share with other players your discoveries on a map of the galaxy. Strike out for unexplored frontiers or build your strengths in known space.


Take a look at the new screenshots below:


And, here is the new gameplay video:

No Man’s Sky platforms and release date have yet to be determined.

Related: No Man’s Sky Teases Multiplayer Mode

Source: Official Website

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