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NOAHMUND Tactical RPG Lets You Defy the Odds and Stop a Devastating War

NOAHMUND Tactical RPG Lets You Defy the Odds and Stop a Devastating War

Noahmund, a gorgeous new JRPG from Spain’s Estudio Àbrego, will soon arrive on these shores

Inspired by Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy Tactics, Noahmund’s painterly visuals, node-based exploration system, and atmospheric soundtrack are sure to impress RPG fans eager for a chess-like challenge that blends real-time action with a tactical grid.

The land of Feros is at war. Galina Angstroud, an agent of Shinn, is the only one willing to search and destroy Salaber’s most powerful weapon – deployed months ago with deadly results. As Feros burns, Gallina begins a journey for truth and salvation accompanied by her loyal guardian, Berani Valenti – fighting against the odds to end the war between the North and South … and save lives.

Borrowing from classic strategy RPGs, Noahmund’s exploration and battle systems feature highly detailed 3D characters and hand-drawn environments. A tactical grid system makes it straightforward for players to mount frontal attacks, execute flanking maneuvers, strike from a distance, and even set up traps! However, decisions must be made quickly: Combat takes place in real time, so one wrong move can easily turn the tide of battle. Noahmund won two awards at Málaga’s Gamepolis festival (“Best Audio” and a Special Jury Prize presented by industry luminary Gordon Walton).

Alejandro Domínguez (CEO & Lead Programmer, Estudio Àbrego):

“We’re thankful to have played video games starting at an early age. Games were instrumental in helping us better understand the nature of emotions, courage, and character. Growing up, some of our best friends were those we met through our shared love of video games. It’s incredibly satisfying to be able to give back to current generations by developing and releasing our own title, Noahmund.”

Alberto Jiménez (CTO & Writer/Designer, Estudio Àbrego):

“There’s no ‘easy’ button in life. Sometimes it’s good to take a break from the real world, and games are perfect for that. They allow us to travel and explore without risking our necks in the process. Like most games, Noahmund began as a dream: There’s nothing like being able to bring a dream to life and share it with the world!”


  • Enjoy an engaging storyline filled with deep mythology, unique characters, and menacing foes
  • Experience a challenging, tactical, real-time combat system where proper positioning and timing are critical to victory!
  • Explore vast worlds filled with dungeons and puzzles featuring a classic board game node-based exploration system
  • Upgrade your characters and learn powerful abilities to defeat your enemies.
    Lose yourself in Noahmund’s beautiful, award-winning soundtrack

Check Out the Noahmund Gameplay Trailer:

Noahmund will be available on Steam (Windows/Mac) in Q3 2018. The game will support Spanish, English, and Japanese.

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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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