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NUTAKU Launches Massive Multiplayer Online RPG HEROES OF LUST for PC and Android

NUTAKU Launches Massive Multiplayer Online RPG HEROES OF LUST for PC and Android

Nutaku has announced the launch of its massive multiplayer online RPG title that is now available on both PC and Android

MONTREAL – Heroes of Lust is the latest free-to-play action adventure to hit Nutaku’s platform. The semi-sandbox browser and mobile game incorporates old-school RPG style features that gamers love, paired with some fresh new twists to deliver a thrilling gaming experience. With a deep crafting system encompassing a myriad of recipes, epic tactical combat, and lusty lewd scenes, this title is sure to keep players heavily stimulated in countless ways.

“We really wanted to make a huge world that is worth exploring, rather than a small, linear experience. The player can go anywhere they want, if they can deal with the enemies, of course. We put a big focus on cooperative gameplay – revolving around guilds, guild missions, guild castles and sieges.”

– Super Hippo

About Heroes of Lust:

Players are entrusted with the mission of protecting the future of Kingdoms that have been subjected to the doom of The Evil Succubus Lilith. The perverse misdeeds of Succubus Lilith leads to the abduction and seduction of all the men within the Kingdoms, leaving them mindless ghosts of their former selves. The power to protect the Kingdoms by battling the sexual demons that have invaded now lies in the protagonist’s hands. With a helping hand from the most skillful female companions, gamers are sure to be motivated to work extra hard to reap the pleasurable benefits of their rewards.

Key Features

  • Free-to-play massive multiplayer RPG game
  • Large scale faction and guild battles
  • Tactical turn-based weapon
  • Rich mercenary management options
  • Ability to craft the ultimate weapon
  • Lustful sex scenes

Price: FREE

Available HERE
Android Version Available

Related: NUTAKU Releasing First Ever Downloadable Free-to-Play Game SACRED SWORD PRINCESSES on PC and Android

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I have always enjoyed playing video games and am a programming team lead for a video game company. I co-founded Gaming Cypher because I enjoy the gaming community and would like to provide the best news service around. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will make sure to get back to you quickly.