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PAX East 2019: DotEmu Impressions

Windjammers 2

Windjammers is back after the initial release back in 1995, the game is more enhanced graphically and gameplay wise. Windjammers 2 is developed in collaboration by DotEmu and GuardCrushGames.

We had a hands-on demo for Windjammers 2 at PAX East, and it was amazing! The effects, special skills, and different characters with different attributes and abilities, are just incredible. There were 4 different characters to try out and play the game with, and it is a one-vs-one game. You throw the disk in a similar manner to a table air hockey game. You get points if the disc goes through your area; there are also deflects and special ability power ups. Windjammers 2 is extremely fun to play with people and has so many different possibilities. The hand drawn 2D animation is just amazing.

Windjammers 2 has a local PvP plus an online multiplayer as well. The game is set to release sometime this year and will be available for PC and Nintendo Switch.

PAX East 2019: DotEmu Impressions

Streets of Rage 4

Streets of Rage 4 is an old school beat-em-up game, a sequel to the Streets of Rage 3 that was last released in 1994. Streets of Rage 4 features enhanced animation, graphics, and amazing power skills. The game is being developed by GuardCrushGames in collaboration with DotEmu and Lizardcube, and is published by SEGA. The graphics and animation are created by the studio behind the Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap remake.

We tried playing this co-op game through one of the demo levels at PAX East. We had so much fun going back to the old school beat-em up that we used to play, something like Double Dragon. You play by selecting one of the characters and start smashing the punks to get on to the final boss in each level. With new power up skills and brand new mechanics of using special skills, it gives all of the 90’s feeling back. Streets of Rage 4 is looking extremely fresh and beautiful with drops throughout the levels, that give you power ups and health. We are very much looking forward to see what we’ll get in the full game and are excited to try our hands on the final release.

There is no release date or platforms availability as of yet.

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