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PAX East 2019: Half Past Fate Impressions

PAX East 2019: Half Past Fate Impressions

We had a great time at PAX East 2019 discussing Serenity Forge’s upcoming romantic comedy game, Half Past Fate, with Zhenghua Yang, Founder/CEO of Serenity Forge and Samuel Herb, Artist. During our hands-on demo, we found out that Half Past Fate is a top down, 2D game with elements of 3D. Visually, it looked great!

Half Past Fate is all about different characters and their story unfolding towards the same end. I personally tried the demo where you go through the life of the characters within the game and must think of the surroundings as well as of the items in your inventory in order to complete certain tasks to make things happen. Either having to move out of the queue at a café or throwing plastic bottles in the garbage will help you in certain situations. We are very much looking forward to how the series and stories of all the different characters will unfold in Half Past Fate.

Half Past Fate is coming to PC via Steam and is available right now to add to your wishlist.

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