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PAX East 2019: One Finger Death Punch 2 Impressions

PAX East 2019: One Finger Death Punch 2 Impressions

One Finger Death Punch 2, developed by Silver Dollar Games, is one of the indie games that is a fast-paced brawler. We had a chance to try out the game at PAX East 2019 and we had a great deal of fun playing.

The game is all about simple two button clicks, one for the left and one for the right. If the enemies you see are coming from the left, you just hit the left side key or for right side use the right key, and that’s all. There is no story but One Finger Death Punch 2 is based on your timing when getting the points, as well as if you miss, you get hit by health damage. The main reason behind the development of this game is to simply let the player have some quick fun. One Finger Death Punch 2 is for any player who does not want to invest too much time in a game but just wants to have a quick and fun time. You will definitely love this game!

One Finger Death Punch 2 is coming out April 15, 2019 for PC via Steam.


  • Hemal Patel

    A gamer turned into a game developer. A huge batman fan and follower of Arkham Series, generally I like to play mostly Action and RPG genre of Games. Into the Abyss!!! PSN: AbyssRyder

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