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PAX East 2023: WAYFINDER Impressions

Wayfinder is an upcoming Online Action RPG developed by Airship Syndicate and published by Digital Extremes. We had an amazing time on hands during PAX East with Wayfinder and going through some of the gameplay. Wayfinder is coming out on Early Access in May on PC and PlayStation. And players can register for the upcoming closed beta to check out the experience through the official website.

PAX East 2023: WAYFINDER Impressions

We tried out a Co-op experience with a fellow player and tried out one of the available characters from the game. Wayfinder is set up in fantasy-like settings, where the player will have a safe zone or hub area where they will start. There are portals available from there to choose the map and travel to; each map is like a dungeon that allows the player to explore and find the required resources. At the start of each map, players can choose separate modifiers that can either make the level hard or easy depending on the modifiers. Each character has its own story and starting weapon. Overtime, players can switch to any weapon and no specific players are tied to a specific weapon type. Each character does have different skill slots and different ways you can set up the mutators on character and upgrade weapons.

Currently, the plan is for Wayfinder to release the content based on Seasons with each Season running for 3 months. There are plans for each Season to add new zones, weapons and mutators. We are definitely looking forward to testing out full experience once it gets out on Early Access.

Sign up to join the Beta via PlayStation or Steam.

For more information, visit:

Related: WAYFINDER Sony PlayStation State of Play 2023 Gameplay Reveal

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