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PAX South 2018 Impressions: ANCESTORS LEGACY

PAX South 2018 Impressions: ANCESTORS LEGACY

Ancestors Legacy is a squad-based real time strategy game with an emphasis on tactics. The game was inspired by medieval European history and follows the military struggles of four different nations. The game will be available in Spring of 2018 on Xbox One and PC.

There will be four playable factions including Vikings, Anglo Saxons, Germans, and Slavs. Each has two campaigns that are five missions each. The story takes center stage between these factions, and each story is based on historical events. There are a few characters added that aren’t necessarily in the history books, but are still historically accurate so for all intents and purposes they could have existed in some way, shape, or form. Cutscenes are hand-drawn images reminiscent of The Witcher series, and they look absolutely gorgeous. The story doesn’t stop there either. Battles will have several plot points within them, and make the battles come alive.

During my playthrough, my base was getting attacked. When it became clear that I was overrun it was necessary to force my heroes to retreat. This was the only way to successfully complete the mission. This led right into the eventual rising of a new hero from the ranks of soldiers left behind to die on the battlefield. Some veteran RTS players may be a bit turned off by the lack of real challenge within the single-player, but newcomers will rejoice in the streamlined resource management and village construction.

The cinematic action doesn’t stop with the cutscenes or scripted events during gameplay. A cinematic battle camera allows the player to zoom right into the action going down. Over 600 unique animations have put into the fighting alone. The animations not only look great they even add an extra layer of realism. Send a squad of swordsmen to attack archers and watch as they violently run through and demolish the unarmored, bow wielding bad guys. Watch as axemen use their range to destroy swordsmen, or sheildmen with their spears gut the axemen while blocking their incoming attacks.

Controls have been made from the ground-up to work well on a gamepad. I used an Xbox controller and found there is still some difficulty in selecting individual group when they’re surrounded by other groups. Besides this one hang-up, that is really just indicative of the lack of precision in a joystick compared to a mouse rather than bad development.

Multiplayer will also be available and take on a much faster pace than the single-player portion. Also the heroes will only be available in the single-player.

Ancestors Legacy is coming in the Spring to Xbox One and PC via Steam.

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