Gaming Cypher

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Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare ‘Garden Variety’ DLC Releasing Tomorrow

PopCap will be releasing Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare’s first DLC, Garden Variety, tomorrow.

The Garden Variety DLC pack features the following:

  • A new map, ‘Chomp Town’
  • 24 new class abilities (three for each class) – one of the new abilities, titled ‘Chomper’s Super Goop’ glues zombies in place
  • New game mode, Gnome Bomb, which is an 8v8 affair that pits both teams against each other in a race to capture a bomb strapped to the back of a gnome, and then detonates it at the other team’s base (quite similar to Battlefield 4′s Obliteration mode)

You can also take a look at the Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare review scores and Hands On video here.

Will you be picking up the free Garden Variety DLC tomorrow on Xbox Live?

Source: AllGamesBeta

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