Rockstar Games is happy to announce that the latest Legendary Bounty hits the bounty boards this week in Red Dead Online, along with additions to Madam Nazar’s collection including several Halloween-themed masks ranging from the Creature Mask, Swine Mask, and Masquerade Mask and others, as well as Frontier Pursuits Role and Outlaw Pass-exclusive variants of each, available simply by logging in.

Law offices across the West have requested the immediate apprehension of Philip Carlier, wanted for embezzlement and the murder of a fellow employee of the Lemoyne Trading Company. Since the killing two years ago, Carlier has lived alone, on the fringes, in the swamps of Lagras. It is said that this isolation, combined with a taste for dissociative chemicals, has twisted the middle-aged murderer’s mind. This Legendary Bounty is considered extremely volatile and should only be approached by the most resolute of bounty hunters.
Pick up Philip Carlier’s wanted poster at any sheriff’s office to begin the pursuit and revisit the Bounty Board again after a brief period to replay the mission at an increased difficulty.

With All Hallows’ Eve fast approaching, Madam Nazar has obtained a smattering of masks that are sure to delight and terrify in equal measure. For a limited time only, she is offering masks for those indulging in the season – ranging from the horrifying Freak Mask to the macabre Swine Mask.

Additionally, players who are in any of the three Specialist Roles will get a free mask. Licensed Bounty Hunters will receive an exclusive variant of the Creature Mask; Traders will receive an exclusive Swine Mask; while Collectors receive an exclusive Masquerade Mask — all free of charge. Please allow 24 hours from logging into Red Dead Online for the masks to appear in your Wardrobe.
Meanwhile, Outlaw Pass holders who have hit Club Rank 10 will get an exclusive variation of the Freak Mask while Club Rank 20 Outlaw Pass holders get this plus an exclusive variation of The Horror Mask. And Red Dead Online players who jump into GTA Online any time before December 12 can still unlock a unique colorway of the Slaughter Mask, sure to strike fear into even the sturdiest of hearts.

And for the competitive; when the going gets tough, the tough get resourceful. This week’s featured Free Aim Series is Make It Count, a true test of skill: using nothing but a Bow and Arrow or Throwing Knives to fight off opponents in a gradually shrinking arena until just one player is left standing. Good luck and godspeed.

Collectors looking to cash in on Madam Nazar’s Weekly Collectible List can deliver the Cheaters Suit. Track down the Queen of Wands, King of Cups and Ace of Pentacles, then sell (or mail via the Post Office) as a full set before October 29th for your reward. And be sure to check the Newswire each week to see which items are in the Weekly Collectible List.
All who take to the frontier in Red Dead Online this week will receive an additional 2,000 Club XP as well as a 30% XP Boost towards your progress in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club and The Outlaw Pass on a swath of activities, including:
- All A Land of Opportunities Missions
- All Free Roam Missions
- Shootout Series
- Takeover Series
- Elimination Series
- Race Series
Bounty Hunter:
- All Bounty Missions, including Legendary Bounties and Player Bounties
- Manhunt and Day of Reckoning Free Roam Events
- Bounty Hunter Daily Challenges
- Trader Sell Missions
- Trade Route Free Roam Event
- Trader Daily Challenges
- Collector: Collecting Arrowheads
- Collector: Collecting Tarot Cards
- Collector: Collecting Lost Jewelry
- Collector: Weekly Collectible List – Cheaters Suit
- Collector: All Full Collectors Set Sales
- Condor Egg & Salvage Free Roam Events
- Collector Daily Challenges
And PlayStation Plus members who log in and play anytime between now and November 4 will receive an exclusive colorway of the Killiman Vest, while those who connect their Social Club account with Twitch Prime receive the Bounty Hunter license for free (to ensure access to future benefits, make sure to visit Twitch Prime and sign up).
Keep an eye on the Newswire for more to come in Red Dead Online in the weeks ahead.
Related: RED DEAD ONLINE News (Oct. 15)
I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.
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