Gaming Cypher

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Resogun Tournament Announced from Today to May 16

A friendly Resogun tournament has been announced by developer Housemarque starting today until Friday, May 16.

Resogun Tournament Announced from Today to May 16


Here are the rules:
1) Pick one ship. You only have one run and it must must be declared and streamed on Twitch (or Ustream)
2) Master difficulty, the score carried to Hero counts as well
3) No shoulder buttons allowed! (This is the interesting part). This explicitly means no boost, no throwing humans, no Overdrive and no bombs! Of course remapping the controls is not valid
4) Any use of throw/boost/OD/bomb forfeits your run and your score at the current time shall be submitted and confirmed by the current viewers at the time
5) Boost may be used on the 2nd boss ONLY in it’s second form. Each use of boost will incur a penalty of 500,000 points
6) Your stream also has to be verified by one viewers from THIS  LIST. You need to sign up as well.
7) The winner will be the user with the highest score on May 16th, or before that if all entrants have participated.

Winners will receive an original Resogun print signed by the entire team, which you can see below:

Resogun Friendly Contest Gaming Cypher


And, in case you missed it, take a look at the Resogun PS4 expansion teaser trailer here.

Source: Housemarque


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