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RISING LORDS Steam Alpha Tips & Tricks

German game development studio Argonwood has revealed several Alpha tips and tricks for its game Rising Lords coming to PC later this year via SteamRising Lords puts gaming minds to the test through turn-based elements that implement card and board game-based mechanics with classic action sequences.

RISING LORDS Steam Alpha Tips & Tricks


Watch your camp and general.

You can win a  battle by killing all enemies, but if you manage to kill the enemy general and raid their camp, chances are pretty good that their morale is so low that they start panicking or the enemy routs altogether. Remember that a general has a chance to flee to an adjacent ally unit when his guard is defeated.

Pick your cards accordingly.

Many cards are specifically made for certain troop types. No need to say there is no sense in picking blindfire cards (you ranged unit hits a random enemy somewhere on the battlefield regardless of range) if you only bring knights and spearmen to the battle. Look out for card synergies like wedge (enables moving through enemies) + double movement (you can move twice), an excellent way to take the enemies camp by surprise!

Look our for threats and easy targets.

Every unit in the game as units it is good or bad against. Spearmen for example are very strong against mounted units, but they take extra damage from swordsmen. Those in return are easy prey for cavalry. The same is true for ranged units: Crossbowmen have a bonus against highly armored units but are wasting their potential against peasants or other lightly armored foes. 

Use the terrain to your advantage.

Position your Archers on Hills. Not only do they do more damage and can shoot further, all units on hills also have a defensive melee bonus! Make sure they are somewhat protected nevertheless, as heavy hitting units will wipe them out quickly. Mounted units are especially dangerous on plains, while they are bad in swamp or forest terrain. Also remember that forest and structures protect from arrows.  

Province Management:


Try to keep your happiness high to profit from migration. High health through decent rations and food diversity is also important for high birthrates and gives a happiness bonus as well. Higher population means more workers which result in more resources, weapons and potential soldiers. Make sure you have enough living space though or beggars will spawn and impact happiness and health negatively.


every few rounds you will see neutral figures on your territory. That might be the merchant where you can buy or sell items or a mercenary company that is for hire to bolster your army. Remember that the merchant is very profit oriented and you are usually better of producing items yourself. If you have the time and resources and workers for it. Mercenaries are very strong units that even replenish themselves over time. But they cost a lot of money initially and per turn. Use them for specific goals and discard them afterwards.


Watch your food supplies carefully. Once you run out of food, you can be sure that your population will dwindle quickly and might also revolt. planting wheat on your fields is the most efficient way to gain food, but cows yield meat and dairy which results in higher food variety and thus more happiness and health. Sheep yield meat and dairy as well, but far less than cows. Their advantage is the production of wool, which is needed for light armor. Horses can be eaten as well but you should only do that in emergencies. They breed slowly and are better used to create cavalry or even knights.


 Some events trigger only when certain prerequisites are met. Cards that don’t trigger are often shuffled into the deck again, but sometimes they are secretly discarded. Bad luck can sometimes turn into something very positive: For example, having had a lot of animals destroying your fields and blocking your production sites will give you the unique hunter figure when the respective card is drawn from the event stack. 

RISING LORDS Steam Alpha Tips & Tricks

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