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ROGUE SPIRIT Preview for Steam Early Access

ROGUE SPIRIT Preview for Steam Early Access

It’s been a while since a great rogue-like has hit the internet. Too long, in fact. 505 Games’ new game, Rogue Spirit, however, seeks to remedy that. Developed by Kids With Sticks and published by 505 Games, this 3-D action and stealth based rogue-like already has fans clamoring for more. 


The player begins their journey as the Ghost of the Prince of the kingdom of Midra, a land now launched into chaos. For thousands of years, this kingdom of Midra has lived in peace and harmony. Old legends, once passed down from generation to generation, whisper the tale of a Demon King, who was sealed away by a forgotten hero.  

These legends were once history, and in forgetting them, the people of the land weakened the chains holding the Demon King. With these chains weakened, the Demon King was able to break free and inflict war upon the land once more.  

ROGUE SPIRIT Preview for Steam Early Access

As a result, the kingdom was launched into chaos. The Demon King swept the land, possessing all inhabitants. As of now, when the player begins, the Demon King sits as an unbeatable force. In a desperate attempt, the Last Ones, monks belonging to the Forgotten Monastery, summon the Prince’s ghost in an attempt to use him to combat the evil spreading across the land. 


Rogue Spirit immediately stands apart from most action-based rogue-likes in its use of stealth. One of the first abilities the player is introduced to upon first spawning in the game, is the ability to switch between a physical and spiritual form by pressing ‘R.’ This ability is essential in sneaking up on enemies and avoiding large hoards. Of course, it is not completely safe. Even when in spirit-form, enemies can detect the player. If a player is to remain in their line of sight for too long, they are spotted and kicked out of spirit-form. This adds an element of stealth to the game that makes it all the more immersive and entertaining.

ROGUE SPIRIT Preview for Steam Early Access

After that ability is taught, the player is taken to a dojo to learn the in-game combat mechanics. As I played the game on mouse, I will review the controls based off of my experience. The player has a basic quick attack with left-click, but that attack can be charged by holding left-click for more damage. The player additionally has a second attack with right-clickYou can parry with shift and dash with space. 

ROGUE SPIRIT Preview for Steam Early Access

The most interesting part of combat, however, comes when the player is introduced to the ability to possess other bodies. Once an enemy is defeated, the player can then choose to possess their body to restore health. This does come at a cost. Within the realm of this game, there are different enemy types, all of which have differing attacks and game-play mechanics. Meaning, that if a player were to possess the body of an enemy which is different to the body they were already playing in, they will now have to employ a differing fight-style.

ROGUE SPIRIT Preview for Steam Early Access

Players can additionally collect familiars during their runs and equip them back at the monastery. These familiars have different benefits during combat and can aid the player during runs. 


ROGUE SPIRIT Preview for Steam Early Access

All in all, Rogue Spirit was a pleasant surprise. It has been a while since a game, especially one in Early Access, has grabbed my attention in this way. The unique gameplay mechanics already set it apart from other rogue-likes I have played in fantastic ways. I fully enjoy the diverse enemies the player can face and all the different combat mechanics that stem from them. This is a game I will definitely be following up until release, and I highly encourage any other fans of rogue-likes to do the same. 

Rogue Spirit is available for $19.99 for PC via Steam Early Access.

Check Out the Rogue Spirit trailer –

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