Oh the retro game revival…equal parts blessing and agony. The monotonous, point and click adventure genre that revolutionized the 80’s is back. That’s right, after 30 years, Abstraction Games has conquered the resurrection of SHADOWGATE—this time for PS4.
Now I know I am no stranger to making this assertion, but I say with great emphasis that SHADOWGATE is most certainly one of those games that will enthrall some, but put others into a hypertension-induced sleep. This is primarily based on the dated nature of this game, as our current era is enamored with action packed chaos in our pixelated endeavors, squandering our patience for the slow-going.
Prepare to die. No, really, you will die…a lot. It seems that the grim reaper is always looming over your throat, chomping at the bit to abscond with your tattered soul. I would not go so far as to say this game has a death cycle of Bloodborne caliber, but it’s unnervingly close—not to mention things will kill you that somewhat defy logic. Think Charles Dickens’ obsession with spontaneous combustion meshing with the copious random demise in Oregon Trail.
As goes with the territory, gameplay moves like molasses in winter. If you’re unfamiliar with the original, as was I, expect to fumble around, read hints, and click the same thing repeatedly, hoping for a different result (definition of insanity, anyone?). Fortunately, the developers’ foresight gifts players with nonjudgmental difficulty options. As a newbie to the SHADOWGATE realm, your torch will never burn out (something that will become vitally important) and less things will send you packing on the death train. Devotees to the OG or those who like a heart attack challenge, throw yourself right in without any hand-holding whatsoever.
Regardless of difficulty, the puzzles take some vigor. The answers tend towards obscurity and clues should not always be taken at face value. Lean on Yorick, your friendly neighborhood skull companion, for his quick-witted counsel is a glimmer of enlightenment in this dismal cave. Moving forward may seem objectively impossible at times, but I promise you, you can and will prevail as long as you take care in paying attention to every little nuance.
Given the point-and-click nature of this title, the PS4 platform is disadvantageous. Unless you are used to these mechanics on the dual shock controller, executing any movement is going to be slow and unnatural. This alone detracts from the old school appeal because the console feels too modern—like installing a record player in a prototype vehicle. If you have interest in SHADOWGATE, regardless of the nature of your intrigue, please, please, PLEASE play this on a PC—it deserves a keyboard.
For the right audience, SHADOWGATE possesses boundless gems of frustration and reward. If you dive into this game knowing what you’re up against and are ready for a unique blast from the past, by all means…press on, brave one.
Rating: 7/10
Check Out the Shadowgate Trailer:
For more information about Shadowgate, please visit www.shadowgate.com.
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