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Sony – Gaming Financials at Loss

Sony has posted its Consolidated Financial Results for the 2nd quarter, ending September 30th and the results look grim.

The gaming part of the company has lost ¥0.8 billion / $8 million for the period. As a result, the company slashed 40% off its full-year projections.

However, it’s interesting to note that sales were up 5.1% year-on-year at ¥155.7 billion compared to last year’s ¥148.2 billion. However, the 5.1% increase transforms into a 14% decrease when the tumbling value of the Yen becomes stacked against the Dollar and Euro.

The report stated,

“In the Game segment, operating loss significantly increased year-on-year primarily due to an increase in research and development expenses related to the upcoming introduction of the PlayStation 4 and the impact of a strategic price reduction for the PS Vita.”

You can view the financial report here.

Do you think the upcoming PS4 will bring projections up?

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