Space Crew, developed by Runner Duck and published by Curve Digital, is a game available for consoles and Steam. It is the sequel to the acclaimed strategic survival simulation game, Bomber Crew. Bomber Crew is a strategic simulation game held in real time, where you have to pick the right crew members and keep your bomber intact to complete missions. Similar to Bomber Crew, Space Crew is also a strategic survival simulation game held in real time. The only difference to this sequel is that the theme is held within space, where you need to manage your resources and crew abilities to stop ship invasions, repair systems, and tackle fires while also taking evasive action when needed.
Built for single-players only, the whole basis of the game is that you recruit a crew for your spaceship, send out your ship and crewmates on missions to defeat Phasmid invasions, which is the group of aliens known in the game. Since it is sent in a sci-fi situation, you have the ability to travel throughout the solar system whilst dodging meteors and black holes while you move through different worlds as you complete more missions. To add more to the challenge other than alien invasions, your ship may need repairs during these battles, too. Sometimes the oxygen will run out, fires are set across the ship, systems may fail, or your own crew members might actually get ejected out into space. The goal is to be able to emphasize your crew’s teamwork and efficiency to successfully carry out missions and overcome the obstacles put in front of you.
The game is centered around a HUB (after you complete your tutorials) where you will be able to accept more missions as they come up. You are able to gain currency from completing missions called space coins, which are used to upgrade your ship, crew, gear, and skills. You are also able to customize your ship and crewmates (assuming they do not die) as well. With the controls, it may be complicated for some who are new to strategic survival games, they are not vague when running the tutorial. There is a lot to remember, and while you are doing missions, it tends to get very hectic. Many might be overwhelmed at the pacing, even with the slow down ability in game, or just feel confused on what to do on their missions. It has the ability to always make you feel on edge, even with the feelings of losing control because you might fail missions or lose crewmates.
Personally for me, I did not really enjoy the game as I am not a fan of strategy survival games like this. Playing Space Crew as someone who does not have experience in these types of games, it felt extremely overwhelming and made me lose motivation to continue my missions. While you have the ability to customize your ship and crewmates, invest in leveling up their skill sets, going out on missions just made me feel confused and frantic. I always felt like I was doing something wrong, and I somehow always ended up tagging the wrong space station or target for my ship to follow.
If you have a love for grinding out missions in a frantic space-themed game, being in control of what happens during missions and what happens after, I would consider giving Space Crew a try. To me though, it was not that appealing, and there was an overwhelming amount of information that needs to be learned before actually feeling like you are getting somewhere in the game.
Check Out the Space Crew Trailer:
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I really love playing video games! Growing up, my dad introduced me to video games, the first being Street Fighter. I have always been surrounded by them growing up and even now. They really impacted my life allowing me to share this commonality with my friends and new ones. I play a wide array of games, mostly PC, but sometimes PS4 and Nintendo Switch. Some of my favorite games are Final Fantasy VII, League of Legends, Persona 5, and Stardew Valley. As of recent, I've been playing Fall Guys and Among Us as well!
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