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SPEAKING SIMULATOR Hilarious Mouth-Manipulating Game Enters Open Beta on Steam

BRISBANE, AUSTRALIASpeaking Simulator, an awkwardly hilarious game where an android struggles to infiltrate human society, begins testing a new batch of man-like robots with an open beta running from Monday, Aug. 19 through Monday, Sept. 2nd. Affable Games is now accepting signups for the beta and new members into their Discord.
A potato-powered A.I. plans to subjugate the entirety of humanity. This adorable and possibly deadly sentient machine creates human-like androids designed to smooth-talk their way into society and bring down mankind from within. Barring any blue screens or short-circuiting, of course.
Each android is designed to observe humans and must execute perfect mandible manipulation to avoid discovery. Each flawlessly flailed tongue brings world domination one step closer. However, every mistake exposes a flaw in the pathetic human anatomy. Keep words flowing or suffer the consequences of detached jaws, exploding teeth, smoking ears and frantic eyebrows.
“Simulate” perfect speech with one hand controlling the tongue via keyboard while the other fleshy appendage controls mouth movement with a mouse. Smash those meat-bits in perfect harmony to become the ultimate android and execute plans for world domination.
SPEAKING SIMULATOR Hilarious Mouth-Manipulating Game Enters Open Beta on Steam
Players participating in the Open Beta get to experience the first test: a date with a woman from human resources. Normal human tasks like asking for sustenance-slash-hydration units and keeping conversation flowing with the female who has chosen to mate with you should be quite simple for such an advanced lifeform, right?
“No, I am not a robot. I swear this was just a great idea we had,” said Jed Dawson, co-founder at Affable Games. “We are in no way testing a global domination platform on humans who are gullible enough to participate in our free beta.”
Speaking Simulator’s open beta will be available in English August 19 – September 2 on PC/Mac via Steam.
To learn more, please visit the game’s Steam page and official site or follow the game on Twitter. Affable Games set up a Discord to chat with Beta participants, so get some one-on-one time with the weird minds that created this wild game.

Related: SPEAKING SIMULATOR for PC Lets You Infiltrate Humanity by Struggling to Talk in Q2 2019

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