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SPLASHER New Gameplay Video Released

SPLASHER New Gameplay Video Released

The Sidekicks have released a new gameplay video for Splasher, a 2D Platformer that offers arcade action. With its powerful and surprising paint canon the player will have to face great challenges and use all his skills to rescue the Splashers. These little fellows are working as peons in a big factory, Inkorp. The Evil ruler of the company, Le Docteur has insane plans that threats them all with a terrible fate.

Along his journey, the player will have to master the power of its paint cannon. He will soon find out that each color offers special ablities, from crazy bouncing to sticking to walls, or even tricking encounters and changing their behaviour. The game will offer more than twenty levels, a time attack mode with leaderboards, epic boss fights and many other cool features.

Here is the new Splasher gameplay video:

Splasher is slated to release in early 2017 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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