An intriguing preview of UNKNOWN 9: AWAKENING, the story-driven action-adventure game based on the original IP, was released by Reflector...
Bandai Namco Entertainment America
DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO, the first installment in the DRAGON BALL Z: BUDOKAI TENKAICHI series in fifteen years, will be...
The most recent trailer for SAND LAND, featuring Darude's timeless song Sandstorm, was released by Bandai Namco Entertainment America. Check...
Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. has announced that Season 5 of DRAGON BALL: THE BREAKERS is officially live, introducing a...
TEKKEN 8 is getting a lot more stylish with the latest update, which debuts the TEKKEN SHOP featuring the inclusion...
Fighting game fans have been eating very well this past year, with the release of “Street Fighter 6” (Check out...
Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. today announced that SPYxANYA: OPERATION MEMORIES, a new slice-of-life game based on the popular manga...
TEKKEN 8 is days away. Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. gave a couple of NBA stars a chance to get a head start...