Two possible Jokers. Two distinct storylines. One final episode. The Joker is born in episode five, 'Same Stitch,' from Telltale...
Batman: The Enemy Within
Telltale Games is excited to share two new trailers dedicated specifically to the fifth and final episode of Batman: The...
Relive the season-long relationship that forged The Joker before the final episode delivers two unique finales (and two possible Jokers)....
Episode four, 'What Ails You,' continues the second season of the acclaimed adventure series from Telltale Games, Warner Bros. Interactive...
Today Telltale Games is excited to share the official release date for the fourth episode of Batman: The Enemy Within,...
Continue your adventure in episode three, 'Fractured Mask,' from Telltale Games, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, and DC Entertainment SAN RAFAEL,...
Episode three, 'Fractured Mask,' continues the second season of the acclaimed adventure series from Telltale Games, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment,...
NOTE: This Review Contains Spoilers The Dark Knight is back with the new plot twists and characters in Batman: The...