Candy Crush Friends Saga, the wildly popular game from King Games, is excited to announce the latest character to enter...
King, a leading interactive entertainment company for the mobile world, is celebrating this February with a Valentine's themed makeover in...
The all-new Candy Crush Friends Saga is becoming even sweeter this holiday season, with festive offerings and customizable costumes for your favorite...
King has announced that Bubble Witch 3 Saga and the all-new Candy Crush Friends Saga have announced frightfully fun game features...
The original Candy Crush Saga debuted all the way back in April 2012, captivating the gaming industry with its easily accessible interface...
THE NEWEST ADDITION TO THE FRANCHISE LAUNCHES WITH AN ALL-NEW, ACTION-PACKED GAMEPLAY EXPERIENCE THAT SEES THE CANDY CRUSH WORLD GO... A new, bigger than ever, Candy Crush franchise title set to launch worldwide October 11th The Candy Crush franchise...