Today, Com2uS, the creators of the globally beloved fantasy RPG franchise, Summoners War, has announced it will launch a series...
Sky Arena and Lost Centuria Players Can Now Claim New Monsters and Enjoy a Variety of New Winter-Themed Content and...
Check Out the SUMMONERS WAR: LOST CENTURIA Season 6 Update Trailer: Today, Com2uS, the creators of the widely beloved...
Enjoy the Latest Summoners War: Lost Centuria Season Updates, Participate in 100th Day Anniversary Events and Claim New Monsters Scarab...
Com2uS Launches First Major Update For the Massive Real-Time Strategy Game, Introducing "World Tournament" PvP Mode, a Special "Brawl Battle"... Com2uS Adds Major Updates to the Massive Real-Time Strategy Game, Including an Arena Battle Mode, Monster and Spell Updates,... Prior to the upcoming launch of Summoners War: Lost Centuria on April 29, Com2uS will host and stream the...
Skylanders Ring of Heroes, the hit mobile turn-based RPG developed by Com2uS, has launched its next major update adding a...