THRESHOLD, developed by Julien Eveillé and published by Critical Reflex, is a horror game that focuses on creating an unsettling...
I love a short but sweet horror experience, especially when it is as lovingly crafted as Mouthwashing. From developer Wrong...
A new trailer for Altered Alma, a cyberpunk metroidvania with RPG features, has been released in honor of the game's...
Deadlock Station is a rogue-lite tactical auto-battler, by developer Luxorix Games and publisher CRITICAL REFLEX, that will be released on...
What is the most you are willing to risk for $70,000? I used to think my 9-to-5 prepared me for...
CRITICAL REFLEX and Whistling Wizard are excited to launch the first public demo of Rose and Locket, available now for...
We live in a world where technology gives ordinary people the tools to do extraordinary things, like creating video games...