Ancestors Legacy, the critically-acclaimed real-time strategy game inspired by historical events in the Middle Ages from developer and publisher Destructive...
Destructive Creations
Ancestor’s Legacy, by developer Destructive Creations and publisher 1C Entertainment, is now adapted to be playable on the Switch. This...
The number and range of games that could be considered strategy games is absolutely mind boggling and they cover a...
Daymare: 1998, by developers Invader Studios and Slipgate Iron works, published by Destructive Creations and All In!, is a third-person...
DAYMARE: 1998, by publisher Destructive Creations and developer Invader Studios, is like the B version of Resident Evil, but all... Gliwice, Poland - Publisher Destructive Creations and developer Invader Studios are proud to announce the release of the console...
Prague, Czech Republic – 1C Entertainment and Destructive Creations are happy to announce that the critically acclaimed historical RTS, Ancestors...
1C Entertainment has announced that squad-based real time strategy game, Ancestors Legacy, gets bigger today with brand new DLC called...