Square Enix and Eidos Montréal released the fourth and final episode in its video series today, providing an in-depth look at the...
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Square Enix and Eidos-Montréal continue the rollout of content for the 15th anniversary of Deus Ex with the second of...
LOS ANGELES (July 07, 2015) – Square Enix, industry-leading publisher of interactive entertainment products, today revealed its action-packed schedule for...
Montréal (June 26, 2015) – Square Enix and Eidos Montréal, the award-winning studio behind the critically acclaimed Deus Ex: Human Revolution®,...
Los Angeles (June 23, 2015) – Square Enix and Eidos Montréal have released the extended 25 minute gameplay demo for Deus Ex:...
Square Enix and Eidos Montreal have announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Montréal (April 8, 2015) – Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™, the...
Update: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Announcement Trailer Square Enix Ltd. filed a trademark application for "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided" in the...