Embers, the developer behind the critically acclaimed cinematic action-adventure game, Strayed Lights, is excited to announce the release of their...
The engaging puzzle game, Strayed Lights, will hold your interest and keep you occupied for a long time. It has...
At PAX Rising during PAX East 2023, we tried out this gorgeous game set out in a dark world, Strayed...
Strayed Lights, the atmospheric action-adventure game developed by Embers, has just released a brand-new trailer featured in the Mix Direct...
Developer Embers has unveiled the first gameplay trailer for upcoming action-adventure game Strayed Lights, set to launch April 25 across PlayStation...
Strayed Lights is a game that is scheduled to come out to be released by April of 2023 via Steam....
Developer Embers has unveiled the first gameplay trailer for upcoming action adventure game, Strayed Lights, set to launch April 25...