A significant update for the popular anime MMORPG NosTale was recently revealed by Gameforge, a top global publisher of online...
Gameforge announced an upcoming Dominance update 2.8.5 to action fantasy MMORPG AION Classic EU. The epic clash between Elyos and...
Leading multiplayer publisher Gameforge is maintaining the momentum as we move into the second half of the year with a...
Gameforge invites players of Runes of Magic to explore the well-traveled paths of the ancient cult site, the Mystic Altar,...
The popular MMORPG, Runes of Magic, celebrated its 15th anniversary this week. To mark the occasion, Gameforge announced the release...
A new year brings new adventures, as Gameforge welcomes 2024 with an announcement for a brand new update to fantasy...
Gameforge's MMO, AION Classic, just got even better: Update 2.4, titled "Stormwing's Revenge," is now live! This significant update enriches the...
Gameforge's free-to-play anime action MMORPG, NosTale, added a whole host of updates allowing existing players and newcomers to get a fresh...