In Between, published by Headup Games, is a puzzle-platformer that wraps itself in a story about a man's search for...
Gentlymad Games
The first Pizza Connection was released in 1994 when Tycoon games were on the rise. This humorous business strategy...
Wiesbaden / Berlin, March 16, 2018 - Assemble Entertainment and have set an official Guinness World Record together to...
Wiesbaden - The closed beta of the business simulation Pizza Connection 3 is now live. Developer Gentlymad is hoping for valuable feedback on...
Are you ready to immerse yourself in a sophisticated, emotional platformer? Yes, developer Gentlymad Games said "platformer" - and they are...
Critically acclaimed PC platformer/puzzler coming soon to Xbox One Who says platforming games can't be sophisticated and emotional, while also...
Developer Gentlymad Games has announced its atmospheric, award-winning platformer In Between. In Between lets you solve mind-bending puzzles by manipulating your surroundings...