A new patch for the award-winning and best-selling historical city builder/strategy game Manor Lords, Hooded Horse, and Slavic Magic would...
Hooded Horse
Publisher Hooded Horse and developer Long Jaunt’s medieval colony sim Norland is well into its second phase development roadmap. Norland...
BREACHWAY - “13 Hours In and I Still Haven’t Beaten It” Developed by Edgeflow Studio and published by Hooded Horse,...
Celebrate the arrival of October with Hooded Horse's annual Steam Publisher Sale! The dev is capping off the summer in...
Hooded Horse is thrilled to announce that it has teamed up with Minakata Dynamics, the developers of the highly simulation-based...
Hooded Horse is getting ready to launch a major campaign at the June 2024 Steam Next Fest. Five demos, ranging...
Hooded Horse is pleased to announce that, just 30 hours after going on sale, Slavic Magic's hit medieval city-building game,...
The medieval city-building and strategy game Manor Lords is now playable in early access on digital platforms worldwide, thanks to...