As winter arrives and the madness of peak continues, why not take to the highlands of Clanfolk, MinMax Games' medieval colony...
Hooded Horse
Introduction/Information about game The game, Against the Storm, by developer Eremite Games and publisher Hooded Horse, releases via Steam Early...
Hooded Horse and Eremite Games are pleased to share from gamescom Asia’s press conference that post-apocalyptic city builder, Against the...
Hooded Horse and Pavonis Interactive - the creators of the popular Long War mods for XCOM 1 and 2 -...
A complex but not complicated sim. MinMax Games Ltd., the developers of the survival simulation, Clanfolk, understand that doing virtual...
One month ago, I had the privilege of experiencing the engrossing history and intrigue of Old World, a wonderful game...
History often sees great leaders and powerful nations pit themselves endlessly against each other, endlessly battling through art, science, land,...
Hooded Horse has announced that it will publish Fragile Existence, an ambitious sci-fi RTS survival game developed by Fragile Continuum. ...