Developers Tim and Egor Filin have announced that their mobile game, Paoer Heroes, is now on Indiegogo. The developer states...
Mikazuki Production announced that visual novel Phantom: The Rebound is now on Steam Greenlight (PC, Mac, Linux) as well as Kickstarter...
Storm Isle Productions has announced that Disciples of the Storm is now on Indiegogo. The exciting reboot of Nestorm Style inspired...
CA, La Mirada Dec. 28, 2015 – Developer Darrel Wijaya has announced that turn-based RPG A Story of the End – Revere is...
Developer Special Circumstances Games has released a new Shallow Space: Insurgency campaign video. The game is currently on IndieGoGo so head on over...
Developer GravTech Games has announced that NORA: Act I is now on Indiegogo. NORA is a sci-fi psychological thriller game featuring...
Founder Marco D’Alia announced that 3DRacers, a smartphone-conrolled 3D-printed mini cars game has reached its funding goal on Indiegogo with another...
In a press release sent to Gaming Cypher, Founder Marco D'Alia announced that 3DRacers, a smartphone-conrolled 3D-printed mini cars game...