At the game's first appearance at Anime Expo, NEXON Korea Corp.'s Blue Archive recently wrapped up their panel, sharing exciting...
Nexon Mobile
Anime-style RPG, Blue Archive's compelling narrative continues with the mobile game's latest event story, "Academy Club Story: A Pair's Final...
A trio of new students Ui (Swimsuit), Hinata (Swimsuit) and Koharu (Swimsuit) have washed ashore on the beaches of popular...
MapleStory, Nexon's popular side-scrolling 2D MMORPG, just brought players into the New Age with the game's biggest update in years...
MapleStory M, Nexon's free-to-play mobile MMORPG, is thrilled to announce the release of Adele, Aurora Castle, and more updated content in...
Last week, free-to-play mobile MMORPG, MapleStory M, from Nexon, brought the heavens down to Maple World with the release of...
MapleStory M, the free-to-play mobile MMORPG for iOS and Android is celebrating four years of fun adventures with the second... MapleStory M Level Increase, 5th Job Skills, and Arcane River Special Content arrive July 5 MapleStory M, the free-to-play...