Heroes Evolved is thrilled to announce its forthcoming update. Explore the features that will turn this update into a gaming...
Dragon Awaken is a thrilling browser RPG that enjoys great popularity in many countries. Now, the new versions 2.50 of...
https://youtu.be/-r4TbR1zvgU R2Games has officially launched its 3D turn-based SRPG browser game, Wartune Reborn, which is a strategic game with RPG...
Have you ever seen one of those online games advertised on your favorite Youtube videos or when you’re watching shows...
Heroes Evolved by developer R2Games is a fantasy-based MOBA that draws heavily on League of Legends and Dota 2. The game’s...
Yesterday marked the official release date of Bruce Lee's playable character in Heroes Evolved. R2Games and the Bruce Lee, LLC (owned...
It's 'The Thrilla in Manila' -MOBA Version R2Games will bring their international hit MOBA, Heroes Evolved, to the E-Sports &...
Legendary Kung-Fu Master Bruce Lee Makes Mobile MOBA Game Debut in Heroes Evolved Just recently, R2Games announced an official partnership...