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The Art of Watch Dogs is one of the many publications by Titan Books that showcases concept art and additional information about characters and locations in video games. Below is an in-depth look at the content in The Art of Watch Dogs to see just what this art book has to offer.

Content Overview

Author Andy McVittie separates this 144 page book into four chapters:

  1. Dramatis Personae
  2. The Living City
  3. The Underground
  4. Everything is Connected
Dramatis Personae

The first chapter of this book provides in-depth profiles of characters in Watch Dogs, including Aiden Pearce, Clara Lillie, Defalt, Jordi Chin, T-Bone Grady, Iraq AKA Delford Wade, ‘Lucky’ Quinn, ‘Poppy’ Dean, and various friends, relatives and associates. The profiles of more major characters such as Aiden Pearce and Clara Lillie include 3D models, different outfits, various quotes, and biographies. Some less featured characters such as ‘Poppy’ Dean only include a short snippets about their lives.

The Living City

The second chapter of The Art of Watch Dogs showcases the various features of the Chicago, including the people in the streets, The Loop, Mad Mile, The Wards, Brandon Docks, Parker Square, Pawnee, and the woods. All of these features within the chapter exhibit various screenshots and drawings that show the grittiness, uniqueness, and harsh realities of a city like Chicago. Each location profile also includes a brief bio that describes the setting.

The Underground

The third chapter of The Art of Watch Dogs features the underground lifestyle and culture of Chicago, including DedSec, Neighborhood Murals, graffiti from various gangs, hidden messages, and the constant over-watch by the government. This chapter focuses heavily on the influences of groups such as DedSec, a hacktivist group with much influence within the world of Watch Dogs.

Everything is Connected

The last chapter of this art book is focuses on how everything in the city of Chicago connects together, from the ctOS network to the DedSec propaganda. Also featured are multiple screenshots and concept art that has various objects that are susceptible to being hacked, such as mobile phones and streetlights.


Concept Art and Drawings

The Art of Watch Dogs has hundreds of pieces of drawings and concept art that take place in the world of Watch Dogs. Most of the art featured in the book seems to be based on scenes that were already created close to the release of the game, rather than prototypes of characters or scenery. However, the sections that feature Aiden Pearce and Clara Lillie include models of the characters, various poses, and outfits. Many pictures are of the landscapes in Chicago, some pretty and some grim.


Overall, The Art of Watch Dogs is a must-have for any gamer who is a fan of Watch Dogs. From the in-depth profiles of characters and places to the hundreds of drawings and pieces of artwork, The Art of Watch Dogs is a great value for any player of video games. It can be bought for $29.99 on the official Titan Books website.

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