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The Best Real Money Games To Play Online

The Best Real Money Games To Play Online

Whether you are looking for a game that you can play for real money or whether you are looking for a game where you can pay real money to get faster results is neither here nor there. Both kinds of games can be highly enjoyable and offer escapism, excitement, relaxation, and a way of passing the time. 

Being able to play all these types of games from the comfort and safety of your own home is a big bonus, especially if you have time on your hands due to being, for instance, retired and feel that you would like to try something new or a pastime that perhaps you used to enjoy or have happy memories of. 


Whether you like it or not, bingo has a particularly large following all over the world, and it is not just women of a certain age either. Meaning as in recent years, a lot of pastimes have had to move online thanks to the pandemic meeting in large groups indoors has proved to be a bit dangerous. 

This has been great news not only for the bingo game providers that have flourished online but also for those that like to play the game. It has opened up the doors for many more people to have a go at playing bingo in the calm and safety of their own home and at any time of day that they have spare rather than being excluded due to the bingo halls of the past have set opening times and only opening on certain days. 

Yet the providers have still been able to keep the social aspect of the game appeal very real by providing their players with the facilities to chat to one another, make friends, and have some social intervention. 


There are many different casino-style games available online as well, but one of the simplest and most popular is Baccarat. You can play these for real money in various places online, and at some casinos, you are able to fund your account using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin 

The game is simple in that you play against the dealer and are dealt two cards that need to be as close to 9 as possible. There are, of course, various strategies you can pursue, whether you opt to play online with the video version or one of the live dealer options you might find at some like 

Most online casinos carry a range of Baccarat games to keep you interested, and as it is such a simple game in principle, you can play when you want, like on the bus or train on the way home from work as part of your evening routine. You can focus on trying to get a ‘natural 9’ rather than the uninteresting day you had at work and set you up for the evening.  

Role-Playing Games 

When it comes to role-playing games, you are very unlikely to get real money valued win. However, you will find that with most, if not all, you will be able to progress faster and stand a higher chance of coming out smelling like roses if you spend real money on them. Although, most role-playing game providers will be very quick to say that their games are free and can be played with no purchases necessary. 

What you will be purchasing with your money will depend on the game you are playing but for the most part, it will either be your character’s time, energy, or specific artifacts that will increase your character’s performance or get missions completed at a far faster speed. 

There is no secret in the fact that generally, moving at some speed throughout a game will improve the enjoyment of it and make it flow better for you, the player. Indeed, there is nothing more frustrating than running out of your character’s energy or time halfway through a mission and having to close everything down until your energy levels have regenerated, which could, in the majority of circumstances, mean you are looking at not coming back to your game until the next day, when you may very well have forgotten what it was that you were supposed to be doing and therefore waste more character energy and time. 

However, in an upshot, and due to these games generally having players either play against each other, which makes the gameplay more challenging, or to help each other out, these games do allow their players to communicate and make friends with other players via the chat box facility regardless of where in the world they are playing. 


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I'm a published author and proud US Army veteran who happens to be a gamer, so I decided to combine the two and love every minute of it! Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.