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The Death of Erin Myers Review for Steam

The Death of Erin Myers Review for Steam

Viperante’s The Death of Erin Myers is the first in a promised 5-part episodic saga of self-contained anthology stories. Each one to two-hour episode promises to explore a different type of story with its own unique situations, settings and characters, but all will delve deep into a dark and macabre tale of its own. If you are into classic point and click adventure games, waxing nostalgic about 1990’s photo realistically rendered rooms and only have two dollars to spend at the moment, read on to see if The Death of Erin Myers is for you!

The Death of Erin Myers Review for Steam

In terms of the story, I am going to refrain from talking about it in detail, seeing as how the game can be completed in a relatively short amount of time, to talk much at all about it would arguably be a spoiler. To give a basic overview – the game stars Detective Erin Myers as she solves an important case linked to her past and forces her to dredge down a path of her deepest, darkest secrets. The story is played out of order, so be prepared to keep your memory sharp in the short time that you step into the good(?) detective’s shoes. The last that I will say of it is that, while the story is nothing groundbreaking, it seeks to be a classic dark story akin to those of Edgar Allen Poe, and in that regard, is successful.

The Death of Erin Myers Review for Steam

The gameplay is about what you would expect from a point and click adventure game. Over the course of the story you will click around on the environment to collect, combine and use items to solve a variety of puzzles. What is really nice is how the development team made use of pre-rendered photo realistic rooms to ensure a gritty, yet nostalgic look to the game. It invokes the style of games like the original Resident Evil, Alone in the Dark, Grim Fandango and other such games from the adventure and survival horror renaissance of the 1990’s. The audio and music are up to the task of eliciting disturbing environments that always seem to keep you uncomfortable. This is a game, and a story overall, where you probably will not be smiling at any point.

The Death of Erin Myers Review for Steam

The Death of Erin Myers is a well-made and atmospheric point and click adventure game. At a two dollar price point, it is hard not to recommend it, but I will warn that, while the game is fairly easy to get through (especially for adventure game veterans), it is a story that will may turn off certain players and so I suggest that those that dare only enter if they enjoy darker tales of woe (from those the like of Poe!).  

Story: 7.5

Graphics: 9

Audio: 7

Gameplay: 8

Overall:  7.9

Check Out The Death of Erin Myers Video:

The Death of Erin Myers is available for PC via Steam.

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