Gaming Cypher

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The Elder Scrolls: Legends Jaws of Oblivion Now Out

The Elder Scrolls Online: Legends has released Jaws of Oblivion, which takes players to Mehrunes Dagon’s Daedric plane of Oblivion, for PC and Android devices with iOS to follow soon after. With 75+ brand new cards inspired by Bethesda Game Studios’ beloved The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionJaws of Oblivion pulls devastating Deadra through the fiery gates of Oblivion and onto the playmat.

Jaws of Oblivion welcomes the nostalgia of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion into Legends along with a new mechanic — Invade — two new pre-made decks to get you rolling, a new playmat and more. Jaws of Oblivion card packs are available now for purchase in-game. Will you close shut the Jaws of Oblivion or let chaos run rampant? Choose for yourself now in The Elder Scrolls: Legends.

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Related: The Elder Scrolls: Legends Moons of Elsweyr Now Available

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