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The Elder Scrolls Online: Wolfhunter & Murkmire Chapters

Bethesda is thrilled to announce the next two DLC game packs for The Elder Scrolls Online in 2018: Wolfhunter and Murkmire.

ESO’s next DLC game pack, Wolfhunter, will bring two new and challenging group dungeons: Moon Hunter Keep and March of Sacrifices. As its name suggests, these two dungeons are themed around Tamriel’s werewolves, and you’ll be able to dive into all new stories surrounding those inflicted with the lycanthropic curse and even, perhaps, come face to face with the Daedric Prince Hircine himself.

Available later this year, Murkmire is ESO’s next zone and story content expansion, and it will take you into the home of the Argonians. There, you will win the trust of reclusive tribes, delve deep into crumbling Xanmeer ruins, and hack your way through the savage wilds of Black Marsh to discover one of the Hist’s greatest secrets.

We also announced that since the release of last year’s Morrowind chapter, we’ve added one million players to the game globally, meaning The Elder Scrolls Online is now home to 11 million players. Don’t forget there has never been a better time to join or return to the game, following the recent release of the latest chapter, Summerset.

This new adventure in the ESO saga sends adventurers and their friends to the Summerset Isle, to visit and explore the ancestral home of the high elves for the first time since 1994’s The Elder Scrolls: Arena. Players explore the island of Artaeum, home to the mysterious Psijic Order, a group of sages that predate the Mages Guild. Tamriel’s fate hangs in the balance and the heroes of ESO are called upon to save the world once more.

Related: Bethesda E3 Showcase

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