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THE ENDLESS MISSION Preview for Steam Early Access

THE ENDLESS MISSION Preview for Steam Early Access

The Endless Mission is a unique experience by the creative talents at E-Line Media. Essentially, it is a game where you can play games made by both the developers and the game’s community at large. Additionally, there is a beginner player storyline with the AI ADA, who runs The Endless Mission HQ, who will task you with playing games and solving issues present through the gamescape. If it sounds like a more in-depth version of Garry’s Mod, you are on the right track! But there is even more to experience, a nice twist to the game – you can edit the games you play in as well!

THE ENDLESS MISSION Preview for Steam Early Access

A sandbox game where you can make different types of games and share and play them is not nearly enough for these fine developers. As ADA states in the game, “You can make an edit a world within a world…within a world…within a world!” Q.E.D. this allows for a lot of creative freedom for gamers who enjoy a variety of genres, from racing, to RTS, platforming, and most likely even more to come! You can also combine these genres and tools as you see fit, for example, I played a game starring the archer from the RTS game, who ran around in a 3D platforming environment based on the racing game! It was a very cool experience to play a platformer and be able to cycle out of that character’s body and into that of the main character and use their hand remotes to edit the size of pillars I was jumping on. Remember, if there is something you dislike about your or someone else’s game – you can always edit it!

THE ENDLESS MISSION Preview for Steam Early Access

The graphics look great for what they set out to do – e.g. the RTS game and its tools are a blocky Minecraft lookalike (that plays a lot like Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War!) and the main world is Portal-like with its sophisticated and sleek technology. I did experience some slowdown during the games, but I will chock that up to it just being Early Access and needing a bit of optimization (what game doesn’t?). The audio sounds great as well, and features some prominent gaming voice actors and actresses such as Laura Bailey and Jennifer Hale among many others, so it is sure to charm and please.

Overall, The Endless Mission is shaping up to be a unique and varied sandbox title that has a lot of potential and professionalism behind it. I definitely recommend checking it out, as it is currently in Early Access on Steam for the worthwhile price of $14.99. I would say that is worth the price of admission if you are looking to let your creative juices flow and experience a world off the beaten path from the mainstream of current gaming.

Check Out The Endless Mission Cast Announcement Trailer:

For more information about The Endless Mission, please visit:

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