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The Gentleman Gamer Invites You to Explore the World of Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition Ahead of GenCon 2018

The Gentleman Gamer Invites You to Explore the World of Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition Ahead of GenCon 2018

The World of Darkness beckoned, and he has arrived — Vampire historian Matthew “The Gentleman Gamer” Dawkins has officially been named White Wolf Entertainment’s senior community director!

Ahead of the looming August launch of Vampire The Masquerade 5th Edition (V5), Matthew joins White Wolf to bring a gentleman’s touch to the exploration of Vampire history and lore in a new video series: The Gentleman’s Guide to Vampires. As one of the core contributors to both V5 and a writer of many Vampire role-playing game books, Matthew’s deep knowledge of the game means that viewers of his series will get a deep-dive into the history, lore, characters and future of White Wolf’s new Vampire RPG.

In the first episode of his new series, “V5 Episode One – What’s Past is Prologue,” available now, The Gentleman Gamer discusses the history of the Kindred, the ground-breaking events that shaped Vampire lore forever and everything else you need to know before V5 emerges from the shadows next month. Upcoming episodes will be published on July 27, and then every Tuesday and Thursday up to August 17.

Be sure to subscribe to the World of Darkness YouTube channel so you don’t miss a single episode!

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