Gaming Cypher

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The Unearth Initiative First Update Details

A few days ago, we posted details about The Unearth Initiative by former Insomniacs on Kickstarter.

The Unearth Initiative First Update Details


Just now, developer Inkling Games has posted its first update on its Kickstarter page, which you can see below:

Hey everyone!

Thanks to everyone who has backed us so far! We are excited to see a lot of enthusiasm for the game.

If you weren’t already aware, The UnEarth Initiative is on Steam Greenlight, so head on over and give us your vote! We’ve had a very positive response on Greenlight, with over 2000 Yes votes so far.

As the Kickstarter continues, we have also continued to work on the game. The game is still in an early pre-Alpha state, so not only is there a great deal to be implemented, but we will continually be iterating on the visuals throughout the project. Here are a couple of examples of some of the many improvements we’ll be adding:

  • Shadows – ‘Nuff Said!
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
  • Ambient Occlusion – For those of you who don’t count themselves as graphics gurus, we’ve included a helpful gif here demonstrating the difference with ambient occlusion added!

Stay tuned for the first of our Creature Profiles, detailing out some of the lifeforms that can be encountered in your new home!

You can view the official The UnEarth Initiative on the official Kickstarter website. There are currently 195 backers with $5,730 pledged of the $200,000 goal with 26 more days to go.

What do you think of The UnEarth Initiative so far? You can share this post with others to help this project out.

Source: Insomniac Games Twitter

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